Znamke za menjavo - spletni album Picasa (Stamps for exchange - Web album Picasa)

Sonjine znamke za menjavo
(Sonja's stamps for exchange): 

Urškine znamke za menjavo
(Urska's stamps for exchange): 

nedelja, 22. marec 2009

Spletni album Picasa - collecting.stamps

Danes sva končno uredili skupni album, v katerem si lahko ogledate skene znamk, ki jih imava na voljo. Obe zbirava znamke, vendar ločeno in vsaka ima svojo zbirko znamk. Tudi v spletnem albumu Picasa sva uredili 2 pod-albuma.

Povezavo do skupnega albuma imate tudi zgoraj desno. :-) Komaj čakava na vse menjave. Kontaktirate naju lahko ali preko maila, ki je objavljen v profilu ali tu v komentarjih...

petek, 6. marec 2009

First official Slovene stamps

As mentioned in previous entry the first Slovene stamp was issued in June 26th 1991. Unfortunately the stamp was not issued in accordance with the rules of Universal Postal Union, UPU. Therefore it was removed from the circulation for a while. The first Slovene stamps issued in accordance with the rules of UPU were available on December 26th 1991. 

Below you can see pictures of them.


četrtek, 5. marec 2009

The first Slovene stamp

Slovenia declared independency on June 25th 1991. The next day we already had the first Slovene stamp. It had an interesting theme – vision of the parliament as it was seen in the eyes of great Slovene architect Joze Plecnik.

For a while the stamp had to be removed from the circulation (the stamp was not issued in accordance with the rules of Universal Postal Union, UPU and Slovenia was not yet a part of the Universal Postal Union). In October 1991 the stamp was once again valid and put to circulation.

sreda, 4. marec 2009

One more blog about stamps

When I tried to open this blog I came across some problems, because a lot of "hot words" for collecting and exchanging stamps were already taken. Some might say "that's great", but unfortunately this is not the case here. Most blogs with this topic are more or less dead.

We will see how things go with this blog... The point of this blog is to exchange stamps; but perhaps I will also write a few words now and then. I will try to write in english so that more people can read my thoughts, but I'm not promissing anything. :-)